New Assisted Dying Bill in House of Lords

We need to bring your urgent attention to a new development. Lord Falconer introduced the "Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill" in the House of Lords on 26th July 2024. (Here is a link: Assisted Suicide Bill )

Key points:

1. The bill would allow terminally ill adults to request assistance to end their lives.

2. It defines "terminally ill" as having an inevitably progressive condition expected to cause death within six months.

3. The process requires approval from the High Court, two doctors, and a 14-day waiting period (6 days if expected to die within one month).

4. It includes conscientious objection clauses for healthcare professionals.

5. The bill proposes significant safeguards but also introduces new criminal offences related to misuse of the law.

As an organization opposed to changes in assisted suicide laws, we are deeply concerned about this development. We are analyzing the bill's potential impact on disabled people in the UK.

We will update you on our response and any actions we plan to take. Your voices are crucial in this debate.

Stay informed and engaged.

The Not Dead Yet UK Team
