Rally 29th November 2024

A Not Dead Yet UK T shiirt draped over a chair looking like a scarecrow

Join the Rally: Protest Against the Leadbeater Bill.


A crucial rally on College Green outside Parliament will occur on November 29th from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Supporters from across the country will gather to protest against a change in the law on assisted suicide. 


This rally is more than a protest; it’s a declaration that disabled lives are valuable and must be protected against policies that could diminish that value. Together, we’ll raise our voices and demand the dignity, rights, and respect disabled people deserve.


This isn’t just about showing up on the day—it’s about amplifying our message in every way possible.


Ways to Join the Movement and Make a Difference

  1.        Attend the Rally: If you can attend in person, come to Parliament on November 29th. Your presence can make a powerful statement about the importance of protecting disabled rights.
  2.       Spread the Word Widely: We’ve assembled an infographic about the rally, highlighting key details and reasons to get involved. Download it here, then share it with friends and family, on social media, and within local community groups. Each share helps bring more voices to the cause.
  3.      Write to Your MP: Personal stories make a difference, especially in the halls of Parliament. We’ve made it simple—visit our website to download a template letter you can customise with your experiences and send to your MP. These messages add weight to our stance, showing that real lives are affected by this legislation. 
  4.      Volunteer to Share Your Story: We need disabled people to share their personal experiences. Please send us your stories explaining why you are opposed to a change in the law. contact@notdeadyetuk.co.uk
  5.      Record a one-minute video: Explain why you are opposed to assisted suicide. Here is an example from our supporter, Mike Higgins)
  6.      Media Interviews: Can you help with media interviews? Radio, TV, or the written media.
Email us at contact@notdeadyetuk.co.uk with a brief introduction and your connection to the disability rights movement, as well as why opposing assisted suicide matters to you.

Why Your Voice Matters

Assisted suicide legislation doesn’t just pose a theoretical risk—it challenges the worth and dignity of disabled lives, framing our community as ‘better off dead’ in vulnerable moments. Each voice that speaks out helps counteract this dangerous narrative and strengthens our stand for a society that values all lives equally.


Here’s How You Can Help Right Now:

                  •               Attend the rally on November 29th

                  •               Email us your volunteer information

                  •               Record a short video with your story

                  •               Download and share our rally infographic

                  •               Send a letter to your MP using our template


Amplifying Our Message Together

Each share, conversation, letter and email makes a difference. Together, we’ll challenge society’s misconceptions and build a world where all lives are honoured equally.

