Opposing Kim Leadbeater's assisted suicide bill
In a society where disabled lives are not valued, and where so many people think we are better off dead, we know that it is unsafe and irresponsible to legalise assisted suicide.
Despite this, Kim Leadbeater MP is introducing a bill to do just this. However many claims we hear that there will be safeguards, we have seen around the world that safeguards simply do not work.
This quote from Marilyn Golden was about a different law in a different country but the point is universally true.
So what can we do to actually safeguard the future of disabled people, some of whom are terminally ill?
We've written here about some steps you might want to take, including writing to your MP, recording a short video, attending the demo on 29th November, and talking to others about the issue, including sharing Liz Carr's excellent documentary film Better Off Dead?And we've made Easy Read guides on why we think assisted suicide is dangerous, and how you can help the campaign.
Follow us on Twitter and share our stuff too - it all helps to get the word out.
But you know what else is important right now? Your wellbeing and your morale.
It's incredibly difficult to witness people campaign with their whole heart for the right for people like us to die, instead of campaigning with their whole heart for the right for people like us to live.
It's disheartening, it's harmful, and it's painful.
So throw yourself into campaigning, but also take the time to check in with yourself, and check in with your friends. Remember that you are worth decent, funded palliative care. You are worth accessible and respectful social care. You are worth the healthcare you need. You are worth benefits that allow you to live. You are worth decent pain relief.
We need support to live before anybody can consider giving us support to die.
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