Send a postcard to your MP about why we oppose assisted suicide
As the second reading of the proposed assisted suicide bill approaches, we are doing all we can to oppose it. We have written before about a series of things you can do to help (there's an Easy Read version here ), and we've now got an extra way we can all take action to help to let our MPs know that disabled people have really strong disability-rights reasons to oppose the legalisation of assisted dying. You can send your MP a postcard. Here's what to do: Order your free postcards here When they arrive, send one to your MP Give the others to your friends, family, colleagues, fellow campaigners, and anybody who cares Ask them to send the postcard to their MP too Tell all your friends! The text of the postcard says: Please attend Parliament on 29th November to vote against the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill. Not Dead Yet UK is a network of Disabled and terminally ill people who believe that, if the Bill is passed, some people's lives will be ended prematu